How to create a layout for RTL
When it comes to LTR and RTL support, android has multiple ways to achieve the support that we want.
For example:
- android: layoutDirection
- android: autoMirrored
- android: supportRtl
These might not give the result that we want.
In my case:
I couldn’t find a way to give a mirror effect to ShapeableImageView’s ShapeAppereanceOverlay.
Then creating a layout for RTL comes into play.
How to do it?
In my case:
1- I created a directory with the name “layout-ldrtl” in the res folder.
ldrtl: Layout direction right to left
2- Then I cloned my layout to that folder and used a different ShapeApperanceOverlay for my ShapeableImageView.
3- Build and run.
Result: Android selects the correct layout file automatically for us.
I explained how to use a different layout for RTL. However, for the consistency of the screens: Keep the layouts similar as much as you can.